Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Where I'm blogging

I told you about our little family trip the other week right? Well before we left The Hubby tried to connect Mr.E's new Leapfrog Explorer to our laptop so he could use it on our trip.

We don't really know what happened, but the laptop can't seem to find ANY wireless network.

I have been a lazy bum and I have been blogging on my iPhone.

We have another computer, but my excuse for not using it is that it is in the basement.

And the basement is kinda cold. The Hubby tells me I can sit in front of the heater and I will be nice and toasty. But I am sticking to my excuse for now and sitting on my comfy couch reading and typing here in blog land.

Hope you are having a great day!!!

Happy blogging!

1 comment:

  1. Kudos to you for typing out a whole post on a tiny key pad!!! I don't know if I'd have the patience. Thanks for the visit today. :)


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