Since we last met in blog land I have completed my degree! I now have a Masters Degree in Adult Education! I am so glad to have school over and done with, at least for now. Now time to go get a bug girl job again. Not really sure how I feel about that, but it will be nice to have my own money again.
Now that I have my degree I want to teach math at a community or technical college. I wanted to teach so that I can help others learn about something I love, as well as have enough flexibility to still be a Mom. I mean, that three letter word is the most important job I've got!

Aren't my employers the cutest things ever, I must admit they are quite demanding. But the biggest perk of this job is definitely the pay, hugs and kisses, oh and the overtime pay is the giggles and smiles! I know it is going to be hard to find another job remotely comparable to this one!
I have been creating lately, but I haven't been diligent in documenting my projects. I'll have to take some pics to show you what I have been up to besides papers, research, reading articles, and typing notes!
I hope life has been peachy for you, and you will forgive me of my absence. I look forward to rekindling our friendship with regular visits again!
Happy Sunday!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad