I hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween. I thought I would share some of our stories from past Halloweens!
Mr. E was born just a couple of weeks before Halloween, so he was a tiny little thing on his first Halloween. Before he was born I found a cute little Jack-O-Lantern costume for him. Here is the cutest little pumpkin I ever picked!!
The next year he was a Puppy Dog. He had just started walking and really didn't know what Halloween was about getting candy. We just made the rounds to the family and to a family friends party!
When Mr. E was almost 2 I got him a Lion costume. He was so cute...he was really good at growling too. I was preggers with Miss C at the time so we just went to a local Trunk-or-Treat event. Mr. E didn't want to get dressed up...one we finally got the outfit on he was fine. He still didn't understand about what the "trick-or-treat" to get candy. Here is a wonderful pic that a local photography student took of Mr. E.
Last year Mr. E was a Cow and Miss C was a Little Lady Bug. We had a lot of fun at Trunk-or-Treat. Mr. E was really into the candy, and Miss C was just along for the ride!
This year the kiddos went as Woody and Jesse from Toy Story! They are so cute together! We went trick-or-treating last night. We have more candy than we know what to do with...can anyone say sugar high???
Miss C looks so happy doesn't she? She liked the hat, but didn't want to keep it on, hence the look.
Happy late Halloween!!