I am actually laying out in my yard catching a couple of rays. My white pasty skin could really use some help!!! I don't go to tanning beds anymore...just the natural rays for me...with sunblock so I don't burn too bad.
The kiddos have been playing out side for a couple of hours now...hopefully they will be tired out and take some good long naps so I can get some crafty stuff done later this afternoon.
I just discovered Pandora.com this past week. After listening to kids music in the car all the time, Pandora is a nice change. If you are like me and have never heard of Pandora before...it is an online radio station that customizes a play list to the music YOU like!! And if it is music you really like, then they give you the option to buy those particular songs. The Best part is it is FREE!!!! If you want it to save your music station, then you need to create an account...once again it is FREE.
I have decided from my music listening...I should have been born earlier than what I really was. I love me some good 60's and 70's rock.
So, even if you are stuck inside with good or bad weather Pandora.com can really provide you with some cool music.